Saturday, November 7, 2009


The part I don't like about sending flowers to someone is having to dictate what will be on the card.  I would much prefer to actually write it myself.  But instead I have to tell the person and they write it down.  It's particularly annoying when you realize that all you can think of to say has clearly been said a thousand times before - so many times, in fact, that they have a standard abbreviation for it.

For example, imagine that I'm sending flowers to my friend to encourage her in some big exams.  I might say to the florist, "Could it say: Dear Betty, Good luck in your exams, I'm sure you'll make us all proud."  And what the florist writes down is, "Dear Betty, GLIYE, ISYMUAP."

I realize that flower cards are usually not a great outlet for creative innovation in messages, but please - let's not emphasis the sheer banality of the card too much.

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