Thursday, May 21, 2009


Today I was tragically denied my entitlement to hummous in my morning tutorial. Even worse, it was my damn hummous! I had brought it in, along with a stack of lebanese bread for people to dip. But disaster struck (for me at least) when the first person to get stuck in turned out to be a double-dipper! Ewwww!!!

He folded up a whole piece of bread and repeatedly dipped it back into the hummous where the juice from his filthy mouth-parts was free to disperse throughout my food. So really he wasn't just a double-dipper, he was a sextuple- or heptuple-dipper at least. I really should have said something, but of course by the time it has happened it is already too late, and I didn't want to cause a fuss because I am quite British.

The interesting thing about all this (apart from the fact that I finally got to use the term "mouth-parts") is that I realized that I have a complete double-standard when it comes to chopsticks. When eating with chopsticks I have no problem with people serving themselves straight from the shared plate with the same chopsticks they are eating with. I do recognize that this does gross out some other people though, so when we're in a group dining situation I try to remember to either reverse my chopsticks for serving or else use the stupid spoon. But sometimes I forget.

So what happened to me today was just karma I guess. Some people get reborn as bugs - I end up in a tute group with a double-dipper.


Anonymous said...


Why did you choose Samsara as a heading?

The topic of double-dipping seemed uncharacteristically derivative (it was funny when Seinfield did it), so I'm fretting that I'm missing a clever reference in the title? Please explain.

PS This sounds less appreciative than I meant to sound - so I've rated your post as charming/enthralling in the tick-box section (feedback for lazy folks?)

PPS I also didn't know about chopstick ettiquite. Shame on me

PTR said...

There's no clever reference, nor is there any (conscious) connection between Samsara and douple-dipping. I just called it that because my mention of Karma at the end and the theme of suffering made it seem relevant.

I was kind of relying on widespread knowledge of double-dipping as well as near-universal condemnation of it as a gross practise for people to be able to understand the post. I would be shocked if anybody hadn't seen that Seinfeld episode! I guess the point of the first part of the post was not so much to educate on double-dipping as to provide perspective on my utter hypocrisy when it comes to my chopstick use. Anyway, there goes my plan for a multi-part post on soup nazis... :(

Oh, and by the way, I'm considering axing the tick-box section. Almost nobody uses it so it's pretty pointless. Thanks for the thumbs up though.