Sunday, May 17, 2009

Angry brain

My progress as a budding neurologist is being severely hampered by the fact that the human brain has lots of faces hidden inside it. Take a look at this:

See the angry face in the middle of the brain there? His lips are all pursed up like some kind of furious Frank Spencer. "Oooh!", he's saying, "oooooh!".

I get so distracted by stuff like this that it takes me twice as long to do anything. Ooooh!


Anonymous said...


It's hard not to have some sympathy with Frank's brain. I'd be saying "Ooooohhh" too if someone was slicing my brain sideways.

In my book, the equation is pretty simple: vis Big brain knife = cranky faces!

PTR said...

Never have sympathy for the brain! If, nay, when it realizes that you do, it will ruthlessly take advantage of your weakness. Only the stomach is a crueller master...