Monday, October 19, 2009


As a means of promoting my blog (Prone To Reverie - you're reading it right now) I have been wearing a little orange badge with a "P" on it.  Next year, I will switch it for a badge with an "R" on it.  And so on. Some time around 2022 I'm expecting a big spike in my page hits when people figure it out.

Sitting in class today, I was stitching up a pig's trotter for what seems like the millionth time this year when the instructor came over and said to me, "In what sense are you a P-plater?" (explanatory note: drivers on their provisional license, ie: the one after your learner's permit but not a full open license, have to display a large red "P" on their car.  Hence: "P-plater")

I had no idea what she was talking about, of course, since I am notoriously obtuse, so I said, "whaaa?", and she gestured at my badge and I was going to be funny by saying, "I'm a big fan of P-ness" but then realized that it really wasn't appropriate so I just went, "aaaahmm.." and she got bored and wandered off, leaving me wishing I had thought of a less rude joke but also wondering what she meant when she asked me that in the first place.  Here's some of the possibilities I thought of:
  • She was insulting me for being an old fossil by implying that I am so old that there's no way I could be on my P-plates.
  • She was complimenting me on being so fair and youthful like a budding flower by implying that I must still be on my learner's.
  • She was complimenting my suturing skills by implying that it was so great that I must be on my full license by now.
  • She was insulting my suturing skills by implying that it was so crap that I must still be on my learner's permit.
See the general problem?  Because P-plates have something worse and something better, I wasn't sure what she was really getting at.  This is the great danger of bantering with someone using the median case.  You should always pick an extreme point of view so that people understand what the hell you're talking about.

Unless I missed the point entirely.  Which is always on the cards, frankly, since I daydream a fair bit.

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