Thursday, July 30, 2009


Man, I've been watching Q&A on the ABC and I feel really annoyed. Last week's episode was great. Nick Minchin, Nicola Roxon, and Julian Morrow from the Chaser were all on, having a really interesting discussion and being very respectful and thoughful in their answers. Tonight we had George Brandis, who I find intensely irritating. He took every opportunity to take cheap shots at Anna Bligh (also on the show) as if it was some kind of partisan debate rather than an open forum.

George Brandis gets my nomination for Tool Of The Day.

Phew! I'm all linked out.


Anonymous said...


I agree about George Brandis. If he was any more smug, he'd burst.

What about the crazy lady (was it Nicola or Nicole MItchell?) from the Cape York Land Council? She was so passionate in explaining why the Wild Rivers Legislation was wrong that she forgot to explain the actual reason. She was so angry, she was a bit scary.

..."You Government people, in your LANDROVERS, just swan into communities..."

Presumably real consultation is only carried out by people driving Toranas?

PTR said...

Yeah she went a bit nuts one they pointed the mics at her didn't she? My favourite but was her assertion that the York Peninsula wasn't like the Murray-Darling because the Murray-Darling was "thousands of miles away".