Monday, August 24, 2009


You know what would be really cool? It would be really cool if Mr Google (or someone real smart like him or Senator Fielding) would put a button on my blog so that when I clicked it, it took me to other blogs by people who write similar stuff to me. Presumably I would enjoy reading such blogs. I have re-read parts of my own blog and I enjoyed most of it, when I wasn't obviously trying too hard to be funny or bizarre.

There's a button at the top of my blog called, "Next blog", and originally I thought it was a magic button like the one I want, but for some reason when I click it I just get random other blogs, almost all of which are written in Spanish or Asian or some other language that I don't even recognise. Like this: "Bálint az utóbbi időben két új szokással bővítette a repertoárt." At first I thought it was Finnish because of all the double letters but I don't think Finnish has so many accented letters. Maybe it's Turkish or Magyar. Or Asian. Why does Mr Blogger take me to these blogs?

Google Reader sometimes recommends blogs to me. But they are all pretty bland stuff, not the fiery polemics and champagne comedy that I write. It seems to think I'm interested in What's On In Adelaide (I'm not), AFL News (I'm not), or gossip sites from Singapore (I'm not). Google fail.

I know a few people who write blogs, but they are infrequent at best. Boooo! Hissss! Can anyone point me in the direction of anything interesting?


PTR said...

A reliable source has informed me via back-channels that the mystery language is Magyar. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

It doesnt do blogs per se, but now that you are aware of it, your time is already wasted.
