Sunday, August 16, 2009

Good luck

Exams start tomorrow. Good luck to everyone in my class.

Also, good luck to everyone else. It would be a bit churlish of me to not wish you luck simply because you don't have a test tomorrow.

What would you do if you knew you really did have a lucky day coming up? Would you gamble? Invest? Buy a ticket on the Love Boat? Get all your medical tests done? Send your first draft to every publishing house in the land?

Why aren't you doing those things anyway?


Anonymous said...


I can see a new line of motivational key-rings coming out from the PRT House of Fine Merchandise - vis "Live every day as if it were your luckiest" (although this might lead to some nasty law suits if people apply it to crossing roads or completing tax returns?).

Learned readers - which other PRT gems of wisdom would you like a on a keyring? (Or indeed, would you prefer a key-ring).

PTR said...

I wouldn't ask them - they'll just carry on about macadamias.