Monday, June 9, 2008

T minus 13 hours and counting

Tomorrow! Tomorrow! I love ya Tomorrow! You're always a day away!

At 9 am tomorrow my first exam starts. I'll be fine. Unless the exam focusses on the urea cycle in which case I'm in serious trouble. But if it does, I reckon about 95% of the class will crash and burn with me, so I'm not really concerned about it.

I single out the urea cycle because I was just looking through some past exams and there was a question about it. I looked it up in my lecture notes because I hadn't covered it yet - and it was complex enough that I immediately went "pfft!" and decided to skip it.

Do you think that sounds too slack? I've become what I thought I would not become - a student focussed on passing exams rather than learning things. I am tempted to say, "Next semester it will be different!", but we've all heard (and said) that before, haven't we?

Nevertheless, I think in the last 17 weeks I have learned more, faster, than I ever have before in my life. It's easy to be hard on myself and say that I should have done this or that, but in reality I worked pretty steadily all the way through (with the odd exception here or there). And even with the odd exception, I have worked hard to make that ground up.

This has lead me to be in a strange position now. I don't really know what to study anymore for tomorrow. I've kind of covered everything I want to. Maybe I'll spend the evening watching Blade Runner err I mean reading over my notes one last time. Can't hurt I guess, and I'd certainly feel like a dill if I didn't, and something went Terribly Wrong.

By the way, if you haven't voted yet in the poll to the right, please do. I'd like some moral support.

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