Sunday, October 17, 2010


Bad constipation,
Overflow incontinence.
Parachoc, star chart.


Anonymous said...

Star chart?

A BLOODY star chart??

What are you studying - pediatrics? If I have constipation and incontinence, then I reckon I'm looking for something a bit more substantial than a star chart!

But I liked the little poems! "There once was a man from Nantucket..."

PTR said...

(a) Yes, I'm studying padiatrics.
(b) I had to use "star chart" because "behavioural modification therapy" is almost a haiku in itself.

Anonymous said...

'Beating' would also have been two syllables.

PTR said...

Poetic but tragically ineffective.

Anonymous said...

Peeing in your pants?
demented and ataxic?
NPH it is

PTR said...

I've always wondered what that meant. People kept mentioning it last year during the chronic block.