Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I chose umber

Excellent!  The voting just closed in my world-famous "Choose a colour" poll.  Twenty votes were cast.  And oh so interesting are the results.

Five of you chose Sienna.  You are all ageing hippies who chose that because there used to be a girl called Sienna working at co-op who you were too shy to talk to.  You're now with Beverly.  Move on.

Seven of you chose Umber.  You are all ageing nerds who chose that because when you were an eleven year old dungeon crawler you saw the Umber Hulk in the Monster Manual and that's always what you'll think of.  

Four of you chose Taupe.  You are all ageing hipsters who think that by embracing the bland you're being strangely ironic and countercultural.  You're not.

Three of you chose Mushroom.  You are all ageing ageing secretaries who get frowned at by your boss for wearing anything not beige, and mushroom is as daring as you can be.

One of you chose Salmon.  You're a ... grizzly bear.  Hence the big pause.


Anonymous said...

Wow, do you really think that you have 7 readers who will get the Umber Hulk joke?

PTR said...

No not really.

Anonymous said...

I hope hope that it took you an insanely long time (or do I mean an inanely long time) to think of this post PTR!

It's champagne blogging. Annabel Crabb, Marieke Hardy, and John Quiggan are all taking notes as they, awestruck, read your hand-crafted blog.

Bravo! Belissimo!

PTR said...

Who is John Quiggan? He sounds like someone out of Moby Dick.