Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Feeling pretty happy at the moment.  North Korea just got whipped by Portugal in the World Cup, so Australia has no longer suffered the most crushing defeat.  Go Portugal!

Somehow I managed to miss most of the goals through a combination of eating my dinner, going to the loo, and trying to think about my unstarted ethics assignment which is due Wednesday.  Fortunately my Smaller Half was watching too and was able to provide me with the salient details:
Smaller Half
Portugal scored again!

What happened?

Smaller Half
The guy over on the side went run-run-run and then he hit the ball into the middle and the other guy did this thing with his feet and it was a goal!
Who needs digital TV?  It was just like being there!


jamie said...

That was so much better than ANY of the people doing in on SBS at the moment.

Anonymous said...

No one can quite do that thing with their feet like the Portugese!