Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Scottish train

I was thinking on the train on the way up to Edinburgh (but quietly, so as to not make it obvious I was Australian) that it would be great to have a sushi train on the train.  A train within a train, if you will.  It could scoot up the side of the aisle and when you got hungry or bored you could pick off some fresh sushi and have a  little snack.

It would be fun if the sushi train was on a bullet train and ran in the same direction of travel, so you could advertise the 300 km/hr sushi train (or however fast the bullet train is).  I'm pretty sure that it might have been this kind of thought experiment that led Ludwig von Einstein to conceptualize his Theory Of Relativity - once the sushi travels fast enough it become infinitely tasty!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It sounds awfully like an intussuception to me, but so long as there's not redcurrant jelly for dessert I'd be happy.