Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Fruit ombudsman

You may have noticed the new poll at the right.  (If you're reading this after January 2010 then it's now an old poll and has probably been deleted.)  A brief word of explanation...

We eat fruit every night after tea (or, as some people like to call it, dinner).  I casually enquired of my Smaller Half a few days ago how the plums had been coping with the heat.  She said they were doing just fine, so I asked why half of them were gone, and she said she had eaten them.  I replied that such unilateral eating of fruit really wasn't the done thing.

She said that I was free to eat fruit any time I liked.  I said that on the contrary I felt that she was in charge of fruit in the house and I would wait politely to be allocated my fair share.  She then asked why it was that I always ate all the apples, to which I said that I stood corrected, that she was in charge of all fruit except for apples and I was in charge of apples.

And then she said, "You're needlessly proprietary about fruit".  I disagree.  I think I'm being needfully proprietary.  Without a clear chain of command over the deployment of fruit, there will be chaos.  People will gobble up the stonefruit willy-nilly, while the slightly wrinkled grape slowly sags and decays.  I think the GFC has shown us the perils of rampant competition with inadequate regulation in an environment of crisis.

Do you agree or disagree?  Vote now - only Democracy can resolve this stoush.


Anonymous said...

At the start of any shopping week you should both role a 2D6 and compare the results to your respective leadership. If you roll higher than your leadership you fail the test your opponent controls fruit allocations for that week. Plums may always use the Deep Strike rule, even in missions that do not normally allow it.

Anonymous said...

Role?! Roll.

PTR said...

What a great comment!! I love the fact that you've given me firm rules on how to resolve this dilemma.