Monday, March 28, 2011

A New Hope

It's a new day, it's a new ward, it's a new life for me - and I'm feelin' good.  This is my first actual ward placement since I was in Nowheresville last year and so far this year I haven't been ward-based.  So it was a bit of a shock to the system to pull an 8am to 5.30pm day.  It's been a while!  There was a lot going on that I had not much idea about, so it was good to be able to take some bloods and a quick history and examination to admit someone just to make myself feel competent.

The highlight of my day was undoubtedly being trash talked about my appearance by one of the patients who looked as though he slept in a hedge.

Dishevelled Man
Don't you know how to use a comb?

Ha, ha, I do need a haircut.

Dishevelled Man
If you get one there won't be much left.

Zing!  My Esteemed Colleague was kind enough to guffaw loudly at the Dishevelled Man's attempt at humour.  How kind of him.

1 comment:

PTR said...

Dishevelled Man zinged me again today. Tomorrow I'm wearing surgical headware.