Friday, December 30, 2011

The least bad parenting win

There have been a couple of parenting lapses in Chez PTR recently.  I won't reveal who is accountable for what, but I'm interested in your feedback on which lapse is more irresponsible.  Once you've read the descriptions, please vote in the poll to be found for a limited time only to the right of this page.
  1. Allowing the Hatchling to grab a steak knife off the table whilst distracted by one's own dinner.
  2. Allowing the Hatchling to eat dead bugs off the floor whilst distracted by the cricket (not the bug, the sport) on the television.
Please encourage your friends to vote.  If I end up being less irresponsible I will buy myself a coffee mug saying "World's Greatest Dad".


Anonymous said...

Bah. If she were using the knife to kill bugs, that would be a possible problem.

PTR said...

So your concern is more for the welfare of the bugs. Nice.

Anonymous said...

well it depends a bit on your steak knives. If they're like my knives then that would be by far the worser as they're ninja sharp. But if they're like most knives, then i'd go bugs. Hope that helps

PTR said...

Well according to the poll, 85% of you think I'm a less bad parent than the other 15%. That's kind of a win.