Thursday, December 23, 2010

Tech support

I got an email this afternoon from the Fine University reminding me that I'm supposed to submit a form to get approval for my elective 6 weeks before it starts.  And it starts in less than 2 weeks.  Oops.  I really really really don't want to miss this elective because I'll get to fly in helicopters and jump out of submarines and kill snakes to drink my own urine from their freshly stripped skins and so on.  So I quickly grep up the form and try to print it.  But I'm at my Aged Mother's house for Christmas and nothing here works exactly as advertised so, as unlikely as it may seem, I go to my Aged Mother for tech support...
Mum, does your printer work?

Aged Mother
Err, why?

Because I want to print something.

Aged Mother
Oh well, it works off and on.

So you're saying I should try it and see what happens?

Aged Mother

It's not working.  It says the cartridge is broken.

Aged Mother
Yes, it's been doing that for a while now.

So when you said it worked off and on, you really meant that it used to work and now it doesn't.

Aged Mother
Yes, that's right.

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